zag Efficiency Leaders

Efficiency Leaders

«Faster, better, less expensive and more environmentally friendly.»

The term «Efficiency Leaders» is a platform of businesses. The motto “Do good and spread the word about it” was combined with “Learning from the best” with the intention of generating added value.

«Efficiency Leaders» has been operated as a registered association since June 2006.

The founding committee members are:

  • Konrad Wegener,
    IWF (Institute of Machine tools and manufacturing) part of ETH Zürich
  • Lukas Weiss,
    inspire AG / ETH Zürich
  • Kaspar Engeli,
    Handel Schweiz (Commerce Swiss), Basel
  • Andreas Steffes,
    Schweizerischer Stahl- und Haustechnikhandelsverband SSHV, Basel
  • Rainer Züst, Züst Engineering AG
    Simon Züst, Züst Engineering AG

«Efficiency Leaders» regularly exchange experiences and encourage knowledge transfer in the field of “efficient solutions”. They focus in particular on best practices as well as new strategies and ways of thinking, which can lead to more efficient solutions. In addition, new approaches for example digitalisation ( Industrie 4.0 and Big Data) are discussed in working groups.

Further information can be found on the Homepage «Efficiency Leaders»


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